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Planika Galaxy Daze/Laurent automatic outdoor gas burner
This Planika Galaxy gas fireplace may only be used outdoors. The fireplace can be installed on any flat surface, giving many options for placing the fireplace and creating a unique outdoor environment.
The gas burner is fully automatic, which means it can be controlled using the built-in control panel, remote control or mobile app (additional purchase).
It is possible to turn the burner on and off, and the flame can also be adjusted.
Choose between natural gas or bottled gas
You have the option of choosing between two different types of gas for the Galaxy gas burner. Please note that this must be selected when ordering and cannot be changed at a later time.
Natural gas (NG)
You should choose the natural gas version if you have a gas connection that goes directly to your house. In this way, the Galaxy burner can be connected directly to the gas line, and there is therefore no need to replace and refill a gas bottle from time to time.
With natural gas (NG), the Planika Galaxy Daze/Laurent has a maximum heating output of 10.1 kW, and the maximum gas consumption is 0.96 m³ per hour. The gas pressure is 20 mbar.
Gas bottle (LPG)
You should choose the gas cylinder version if you do not have a direct gas connection to your house. If you choose this connection, the burner must be connected to a gas cylinder.
With the LPG bottle option, the Planika Galaxy Daze/Laurent has a maximum heating output of 13.4 kW and the maximum gas consumption is 0.95 kg/h. The gas pressure is 37 mbar.
Included in the package:
- Galaxy Daze/Laurent automatic outdoor gas burner
- Remote control
- Glass panel
NOTE: This gas fireplace is for outdoor use only and therefore CANNOT be used indoors.
10,1 kW
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